Thursday, October 29, 2009

Two days ago I stepped on the scale and was mortified. I know I'm not the only one to be frightened by the numbers that pop up but, nonetheless, it traumatized me. I spent most of my adult life being 132 pounds. After I hit 40, it jumped to 140 and parked there for the duration. When 50 arrived, 150 was the new number that became my norm. Okay, I'm 51 and I saw 165.5!!! Not good.

I did what I have always done. I signed up for Weight Watchers. This time is different. I have a handy iphone with a WW app on it. I don't have to go to the meetings! I can get all the information I want right there on my handy dandy phone. I paid my money (that's where it hurts my husband, Mr. Perfect) and started right in.

Tuesday (that was two days ago) I was motivated, dedicated and quested for the best. I stayed within my points and felt great about it. I ran (yeah, I'm a runner - we'll talk more about that later) and rode my horse (yup, I do that too). Got my exercise in and experiemented with a couple recipes. I made pumpkin barley soup for dinner and pumpkin pudding for dessert. All good stuff.

Wednesday I woke up feeling on top of the world. Of course, I slept in and woke up at 5:00 a.m. (I'm an early riser). Sleeping in meant that I blew off my run on the treadmill. I did, however, go to my yoga class and had one of the best practices I've had in a long time (um, ahem, yeah I do that too). Because of my extra weight, I'm not able to get into a lot of the poses that I've traditionally been able to do but all that is about to change!

The problem with Wednesday came later. I had my whole day's food planned out and logged into my tracker. I was in the middle of cooking up some Moo Shu Tofu for my twins and I when Mr. Perfect called and asked if I would join him for dinner. Since he spends a lot of time away from home, I felt like I should go and spend some much needed one-on-one time with my man. We went to Chevys (so not good) and I indulged excessively on the chips and salsa (they brought us 3 baskets because our meals took so long to arrive). I did, however, have a nice fat salad with salsa as my dressing for my main course.

That brings us to today. Once again, I slugged out and slept in till 5 missing my morning run on the treadmill. I did go to yoga and had an okay practice. Could have been better. My favorite yoga instructor taught the class so that made it a whole bunch better. After I picked up the kids from school, though, I went out in the hills and ran with my dogs. Feeling a lot better for that.

Tonight? Yeah, I'm making that Moo Shu Tofu again. Hopefully, it will turn out splendid. I've made a vegan (I'm a vegetarian and 90% vegan), sugar free pumpkin pie for dessert. Had a sneak preview of it last night. Pretty dang good!!

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